The Clouds

The Clouds

Sometimes it is hard to remember that things are not all bad. You know how it is, it seems that all is gloomy, the light in your life is dim and it is hard to see where you are going. When it gets like that, it is very hard to stay motivated, hard to keep your mind on the jobs that need to be done. When that happens to me I try to keep my mind on what I am trying to achieve, and use that to keep myself going, but in the gloom it get hard to see where I am going.

Have you ever been in a plane on a gloomy or rainy day? If you have, you will remember that very quickly after you leave the ground you fly through the clouds and pretty soon you break out into brilliant sunshine in the clear air above. When you see that you realise that the sun is ALWAYS shining above the clouds no matter how dim things are on the ground.

So when the gloom gets to you, and it seems dull and grey everywhere you look, just remember, above the clouds, not so far away, the sun is shining bright! The tops of those clouds that seem so solid, dark and gloomy are light and fluffy, the sky above is bright blue. When I remember that, when I can turn my mind’s eye to bright blue sky and sunshine above, I find that I can again see where I am going, the gloom lifts a little and I can get on my way.

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